Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Resource Description and Access (RDA) in Machine-Readable Catalogue (MARC) Bibliographic Data

Source :
NEW for Update No. 21, September 2015
Fields created or revised for RDA
Leader/06  Type of record - already indicates content type in coded form.
Leader/18  Descriptive cataloging form - coded i with RDA.  (Update 12, 2010)
-- recording carrier characteristics in coded form
-- additional codes in various positions  (Update 10, 2009)
007/00  Category of material - already indicates media type in coded form.
007/01  Specific material designation - already indicates carrier type in coded form.
008  Fixed-length Data Elements - additional codes in various positions  (Update 9, 2008), (Update 10, 2009), (Update 11, 2010), (Update 15, 2012), (Update 16 2013)
015  National Bibliography Number - additional subfield for qualifying information  (Update 17, 2013)
020  International Standard Book Number - additional subfield for qualifying information  (Update 17, 2013)
024  Other Standard Identifier - additional subfield for qualifying information  (Update 17, 2013)
027  Standard Technical Report Number - additional subfield for qualifying information  (Update 17, 2013)
028  Publisher Number - additional subfield for qualifying information  (Update 15, 2012)
033  Date/Time and Place of an Event - additional subfields  (Update 11, 2010)
-- First indicator added  (Update 20, 2015)
-- added subfields $3 and $5  (Update 20, 2015)
040  Cataloging Source - $e made repeatable and code "rda" added to the MARC code list for Description Convention Source Codes to indicate the use of the RDA rules for description.  (Update 11, 2010)  Leader/18 will be coded i with RDA.
-- work and expression attributes (new subfields $k and $l)
-- added subfields $o and $p  (Update 16 2013)
088  Report Number - Scope broadened.
-- already records name to resource relationships using relator terms ($e) or codes ($4); see MARC Code List for Relators and RDA Appendix I
-- subfield $g (Miscellaneous information) made repeatable  (Update 19, 2014)
240  Uniform Title - subfield $g (Miscellaneous information) made repeatable  (Update 19, 2014)
243  Collective Uniform Title - subfield $g (Miscellaneous information) made repeatable  (Update 19, 2014)
246  Varying Form of Title - subfield $g (Miscellaneous information) made repeatable  (Update 19, 2014)
247  Former Title - subfield $g (Miscellaneous information) made repeatable  (Update 19, 2014)
250  Edition Statement - made repeatable in order to better accommodate edition statements for music and other resources cataloged according to RDA
300  Physical Description - recording carrier characteristics and RDA carrier characteristic terms in textual form.
336  Content Type  (new field, Update 10, 2009)
-- For MARC Leader/06--RDA terms ($a) and MARC codes for RDA terms ($b) relationship tables for content type, see Term and Code List for RDA Content Types
-- work and expression attributes
337  Media Type  (new field, Update 10, 2009)
-- For MARC field 007/00--RDA terms ($a) and MARC codes for RDA terms ($b) relationship tables for media type, see Term and Code List for RDA Media Types
338  Carrier Type  (new field, Update 10, 2009)
-- For MARC field 007/01--RDA terms ($a) and MARC codes for RDA terms ($b) relationship tables for carrier type, see Term and Code List for RDA Carrier Types
340  Physical Medium - recording carrier characteristics and RDA carrier characteristic terms in textual form.  See the Content designator history for the new subfields.  (Update 13, 2011)
344  Sound Characteristics - recording RDA carrier characteristic terms.  (new field, Update 13, 2011)
345  Projection Characteristics of Moving Image - recording RDA carrier characteristic terms.  (new field, Update 13, 2011)
346  Video Characteristics - recording RDA carrier characteristic terms.  (new field, Update 13, 2011)
347  Digital File Characteristics - recording RDA carrier characteristic terms.  (new field, Update 13, 2011)
370  Associated Place  (new field, Update 19, 2014)
377  Associated Language - work and expression attributes  (new field, Update 13, 2011)
380  Form of Work - work and expression attributes  (new field, Update 11, 2010)
381  Other Distinguishing Characteristics of Work or Expression - work and expression attributes  (new field, Update 11, 2010)
382  Medium of Performance - work and expression attributes  (new field, Update 11, 2010)
-- indicators added  (Update 14, 2012)
-- added subfields  (Update 14, 2012), (Update 20, 2015)
383  Numeric Designation of Musical Work - work and expression attributes  (new field, Update 11, 2010)
-- added subfields  (Update 13, 2011)
384  Key - work and expression attributes  (new field, Update 11, 2010)
385  Audience Characteristics  (new field, Update 16 2013)
386  Creator/Contributor Characteristics  (new field, Update 16 2013)
388  Time Period of Creation  (new field, Update 19, 2014)
490  Series Statement - ISSN subfield made repeatable.  (Update 10, 2009)
-- recording carrier characteristics and RDA carrier characteristic notes in textual form.
-- notes for resource to resource relationships that may exist between works, expressions, manifestations and items  (RDA Appendix J)
500  General Note - recording carrier characteristics and RDA carrier characteristic notes in textual form.
502  Dissertation Note - additional subfield specificity  (Update 9, 2008)
518  Date/Time and Place of an Event Note - additional subfields  (Update 11, 2010)
-- already records name to resource relationships using relator terms ($e) or codes ($4); see MARC Code List for Relators and RDA Appendix I
-- subfield $g (Miscellaneous information) made repeatable in fields 600610611630  (Update 19, 2014)
650  Subject Added Entry - Topical Term - added $g (Miscellaneous information)  (Update 19, 2014)
651  Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name - added $g (Miscellaneous information)  (Update 19, 2014)
700-75X  Added Entry Fields  (Update 10, 2009)
-- already records name to resource relationships using relator terms ($e) or codes ($4); see MARC Code List for Relators and RDA Appendix I
-- structured access points for resource to resource relationships that may exist between works, expressions, manifestations and items  (RDA Appendix J)
-- subfield $i defined in MARC for the relationship term
-- subfield $g (Miscellaneous information) made repeatable in fields 700710711730  (Update 19, 2014)
-- structured descriptions for resource to resource relationships that may exist between works, expressions, manifestations and items  (RDA Appendix J)
-- renamed $g to Related parts
-- subfield $i defined in MARC for the relationship term
-- added $4 (Relationship code)
800-840  Series Added Entry Fields - already records name to resource relationships using relator terms ($e) or codes ($4); see MARC Code List for Relators and RDA Appendix I
-- added $x (International Standard Serial) and $3 (Materials specified)  (Update 9, 2008)
-- added $5 (Institution to which field applies)  (Update 11, 2010)
-- added $7 (Control subfield)  (Update 17, 2013)
-- subfield $g (Miscellaneous information) made repeatable in fields 800810811830  (Update 19, 2014)
856  Electronic Location and Access - identifiers for resource to resource relationships that may exist between works, expressions, manifestations and items  (RDA Appendix J)
883  Machine-generated Metadata Provenance  (new field, Update 15, 2012)
884  Description Conversion Information  (new field, Update 20, 2015)
X10  Corporate Names - Subfield $c (Location of meeting) made repeatable for recording multiple location names in relation to conferences.  (Update 18, 2014)
X11  Meeting Names - Subfield $c (Location of meeting) made repeatable for recording multiple location names in relation to conferences.  (Update 18, 2014)
Many subfields $o, $u, $x, $w, and $0 - identifiers for resource to resource relationships that may exist between works, expressions, manifestations and items  (RDA Appendix J)
Current with LC's web site changes through July 30, 2014.
MARC 21 Updates 9-18 include all changes to MARC for use with RDA approved through June 2014.
RDA Content Types
MARC already indicates content type in LDR/06.
RDA contains a list of English language content types for which a new field 336 was provided in MARC Bibliographic and in MARC Authority.
Field 336 may contain the RDA term ($a) or a code ($b); codes were established in MARC Update 10.
For a table that relates the MARC LDR/06 to the corresponding RDA content terms and MARC codes for RDA content terms see:  Term and Code List for RDA Content Types.
RDA Media Types
MARC already indicates media type in field 007/00.
RDA contains a list of English language media types for which a new field 337 is provided in MARC Bibliographic and in MARC Holdings.
Field 337 may contain the RDA term ($a) or a code ($b); codes were established in MARC Update 10.
For a table that relates the MARC 007/00 to the corresponding RDA media terms and MARC codes for RDA media terms see:  Term and Code List for RDA Media Types.
RDA Carrier Types
MARC already indicates carrier type in field 007/01.
RDA contains a list of English language carrier types for which a new field 338 is provided in MARC Bibliographic and in MARC Holdings.
Field 338 may contain the RDA term ($a) or a code ($b); codes were established in MARC Update 10.
For a table that relates the MARC 007/01 to the corresponding RDA carrier terms and MARC codes for RDA carrier terms see:  Term and Code List for RDA Carrier Types.
RDA Carrier Characteristics
MARC provides for recording carrier characteristics in textual form in Bibliographic fields 300340, and 5XX and in coded form in Bibliographic and Holdings field 007.
RDA contains lists of English language terms that can be used to express carrier characteristics and also allows expression via notes.
RDA carrier characteristic notes – MARC Bibliographic fields 500 and other 5XX
RDA carrier characteristic terms in MARC Bibliographic format
-- Field 340  Physical Medium  (new subfields)
-- New Bibliographic format fields
Attributes of names and titles are typically information that has been recorded in name headings (e.g., date of birth) or in uniform title headings (e.g., key for music) -- or they may have been included in a note in an Authority record for the name or title.  With RDA they may be recorded separately from the heading or as part of the heading (or both).  New fields for these attributes have been established for names and for resources (works and expressions).
New MARC Authority fields for name attributes:
New MARC Authority and Bibliographic fields for work and expression attributes:
046  Special Coded Dates  (new subfields only)
384  Key (NR)
Name to resource
RDA Appendix I lists possible relationships between a resource and persons, families and corporate bodies, e.g., author, artist, cartographer.
MARC already records these types of relationships using relator terms ($e) or codes ($4) in 1XX6XX7XX, and 8XX in MARC Bibliographic and 1XX4XX, and 5XX in MARC Authority.
MARC Code List for Relators is being augmented with RDA relationships that are not already in the list.
Resource to resource
RDA Appendix J lists over 400 relationships that may exist between works, expressions, manifestations and items, e.g., dramatized as (work), indexed in (work), sequel, digest of (expression), filmed with (manifestation), reproduction of (item).
RDA identifies several methods for specifying these relationships:
-- identifiers - e.g., many $o, $u, $x, $w, and $0 subfields, and field 856
-- notes - 5XX Bibliographic and 667-68X Authority
-- structured descriptions - 76X-78X Bibliographic
-- structured access points - 700-75X Bibliographic and 4XX, and 5XX Authority
MARC addition:  $i defined for the relationship term - in Bibliographic 700-75X (see specific field) and 76X-78X (subfield $i) and in Authority 4XX and 5XX (subfield $i).
Name to name
RDA Appendix K lists possible relationships between persons, families and corporate bodies, e.g., employee, sponsor, descendent family, employer, predecessor.
MARC subfield $i added to 4XX and 5XX Authority is also used to specify these types of relationships.
Additional subfield specificity in field 502 (Dissertation Note)
ISSN subfield made repeatable in field 490 (Series Statement)
Additional codes in various 007 and 008 character positions
Field 040 $e made repeatable and code "rda" added to the MARC code list for Description Convention Source Codes to indicate the use of the RDA rules for description.  Leader/18will be coded i with RDA.
Field 250 made repeatable in order to better accommodate edition statements for music and other resources cataloged according to RDA.
Subfield $c (Location of meeting) made repeatable in X10 (Corporate Names) and X11 (Meeting Names) fields for recording multiple location names in relation to conferences.
Experimentation with a technique for including URIs for values (no MARC content designation change).  (See Discussion Paper 2010-DP02 for general description.)
SOURCE:  RDA in MARC - July 30, 2014
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