Showing posts with label Changes from AACR2 to RDA: a comparison of examples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Changes from AACR2 to RDA: a comparison of examples. Show all posts

Thursday, February 4, 2016

MARC Tag List

MARC (MAchine-Readable Catalogingstandards are a set of digital formats for the description of items catalogued by libraries, such as books. Working with the Library of Congress, American computer scientist Henriette Avram developed MARC in the 1960s to create records that could be read by computers and shared among libraries.[1] By 1971, MARC formats had become the national standard for dissemination of bibliographic data in the United States, and the international standard by 1973. There are several versions of MARC in use around the world, the most predominant being MARC 21, created in 1999 as a result of the harmonization of U.S. and Canadian MARC formats, and UNIMARC, widely used in Europe. The MARC 21 family of standards now includes formats for authority records, holdings records, classification schedules, and community information, in addition to the format for bibliographic records.

There are 999 possible MARC tags, many of which have been established by the Library of Congress as fields in the various MARC formats.


011 - 013  unassigned
015  unassigned
017 - 019  unassigned
021 unassigned
023 unassigned
025 - 030  unassigned
032 - 033  unassigned
036 - 039  unassigned
041  unassigned
044  unassigned
047 - 049  unassigned
051  unassigned
054  unassigned
056 - 057  unassigned
058  LC Classification Number Assigned in Canada  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
059  unassigned
061 - 062  unassigned
063  NLM Classification Number Assigned by NLM  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
064  unassigned
067  unassigned
068  NLM Classification Number Assigned in Canada  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
069  unassigned
071  unassigned
074 - 079  unassigned
081  unassigned
084 - 085  unassigned
088  Document Shelving Number (CODOC)  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
089  unassigned
101 - 109  unassigned
112 - 129  unassigned
131 - 139  unassigned
140  Uniform Title  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
141 - 142  unassigned
143  Collective Title  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
144 - 147  unassigned
149  unassigned
152 - 154  unassigned
156 - 161  unassigned
163 - 179  unassigned
183 - 184  unassigned
186 - 199  unassigned
200 - 259  unassigned
260  See below
261 - 299  unassigned
300 - 335  unassigned
337 - 347  unassigned
349 - 359  unassigned
360  See below
361 - 367  unassigned
369  unassigned
375  Gender  (R)
379  unassigned
384  Key  (NR)
387  unassigned
389 - 399  unassigned
Complex Subject References:
See From Tracings:
401 - 409  unassigned
412 - 429  unassigned
431 - 447  unassigned
449  unassigned
452 - 454  unassigned
456 - 461  unassigned
463 - 479  unassigned
483 - 484  unassigned
486 - 499  unassigned
See Also From Tracings:
501 - 509  unassigned
512 - 529  unassigned
531 - 547  unassigned
549  unassigned
552 - 554  unassigned
556 - 561  unassigned
563 - 579  unassigned
583 - 584  unassigned
586 - 599  unassigned
600 - 639  unassigned
Series Treatment:
647 - 649  unassigned
650 - 662  unassigned
Complex Name References:
668  Note - Characters in Nonroman Alphabets  [obsolete]  [USMARC only]
669  unassigned
671  Note - Work Catalogued (Names/Titles)  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
674  unassigned
676  Note - Cataloging Rules (Names/Titles)  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
677  unassigned
679  unassigned
683 - 684  unassigned
685  Note - Source Data Found (Subjects)  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
686  Note - Source Data Not Found (Subjects)  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
687  Note - Usage (Subjects)  [obsolete]  [CAN/MARC only]
689 - 699  unassigned
Heading Linking Entries:
701 - 709  unassigned
712 - 729  unassigned
731 - 747  unassigned
749  unassigned
752 - 754  unassigned
756 - 761  unassigned
763 - 779  unassigned
783 - 784  unassigned
786 - 787  unassigned
789 - 799  unassigned
Other Variable Fields:
800 - 855  unassigned
857 - 879  unassigned
881 - 882  unassigned
885 - 899  unassigned
Locally Defined Fields:
9XX - Equivalent Headings  [obsolete, 1997]  [CAN/MARC only]
See also:
MARC 21 Format for Authority Data:  Contents

Source:  1.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

AACR2 versus RDA: a comparison of examples

Overview of some of the changes from AACR2 to RDA

Some RDA terminology differs from that of AACR2:


authorized access point (AAP)
uniform title
preferred title; conventional collective title
physical description
audio disc, etc.
creator (includes composers, librettists, lyricists)


From Kathy Glennan, MLA-L, 1/17/2014
  • RDA generally eschews abbreviations. The primary exceptions are for:
  • Units of measurement
  • Abbreviations that are regularly used in resources and are commonly understood by users (e.g., "SATB", "op.")
  • Abbreviations that a resource uses to identify itself (e.g., "BWV" instead of "Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis")
Abbreviations are used only when they appear on the resource. The exceptions are no. and op. (which will be used the same way as they were in AACR2: in the title area, abbreviate only when abbreviated on the item; abbreviate in access points), thematic index numbers, voice range (SATB, etc.), and units of measurements.
     Use "in." for inches; however, "cm" is no longer considered to be an abbreviation
Use "stereo" and "mono" (also no longer considered to be abbreviations), but spell out other terms ("quadrophonic," etc.)


that is
[place of publication not identified]
[publisher not identified]
[date of publication not identified]

Examples of some of changes to abbreviations used in the physical description (extent of item)

3 vol.

3 volumes
ca. 200 p.
approximately 200 pages
48 [i.e. 96] p.
48, that is, 96 pages
[16] p. of plates
16 unnumbered pages of plates

AACR2: the system of measurement used to record dimensions varies depending on the type of resource.
RDA: metric units are used. (LCPS allows for using inches for discs (RDA

Metric units:
AACR2: they are considered abbreviations and are followed by a full stop (e.g., cm.)
RDA: they are treated as symbols and are not followed by a full stop (e.g., cm).

Examples of changes to abbreviations used in dates in authorized access points representing persons (formerly known as name headings)
LC practice (when it varies from RDA)

b. 1825

born 1825

d. 1859
died 1859
ca. 1837
approximately 1837
1836 or 7
1836 or 1837
18th cent.
18th century
16th/17th cent.
active 16th century-17th century

Recording and transcribing:
RDA differentiates between recording and transcribing elements.
   ° Recorded elements: the found information is often adjusted
   ° Transcribed elements: the data is accepted as found on the resource
   ° The transcribed elements are:
Associated MARC field


245 ‡a, ‡b
statement of responsibility
245 ‡c
edition statement
250 ‡a, ‡b
numbering of serials
490 ‡v
production statement
264 _0 ‡a, ‡b, ‡c
publication statement
264 _1 ‡a, ‡b, ‡c
distribution statement
264 _2 ‡a, ‡b, ‡c
manufacture statement
264 _3 ‡a, ‡b, ‡c
series statement
490 ‡a

New to RDA:
Capitalization: RDA Appendix A: LC policy is to follow the capitalization on the resource or follow the instructions in Appendix A.
Diacritics: Transcribe when they appear; not necessary to add them when they are omitted from the resource.
Abbreviations: RDA Appendix B: Transcribe as found on the RDA preferred source; otherwise do not use abbreviations

Other things:
Parallel titles may be taken from anywhere on the resource, and are not enclosed in brackets
   ° However, other title information must be taken from the same source as the title proper
Statement of responsibility may be taken from anywhere on the resource
   ° Transcribe title, terms of address, etc.
   ° Transcribe all persons named, even when there are four or more
Edition statement:
   ° Abbreviations are used only when they appear on the resource
   ° Use the form of numbering (e.g., Arabic, roman, etc.) that appear on the resource

Inaccuracies, omissions:
AACR2: Inaccuracies are transcribed followed either by [sic] or by "i.e." and the correction in square brackets. Missing letter(s) are supplied in square brackets.
RDA: Inaccuracies are transcribed as they appear on the source of information. If necessary, a note may be made correcting the inaccuracy, and the title as corrected may be recorded as a variant title if it is considered important for access.

AACR2 1.0F
245 10 ‡a Morton Feldmans Untiteled [sic] composition für Cello und Klavier
246 3  ‡a Morton Feldmans Untitled composition für Cello und Klavier

RDA 1.7.9,
245 10 ‡a Morton Feldmans Untiteled composition für Cello und Klavier
246 3  ‡i Title should read: ‡a Morton Feldmans Untitled composition für Cello und Klavier

AACR2 1.0F
245 00 ‡a Horn sonat[a]s
246 3  ‡a Horn sonats

RDA 1.7.9,
245 00 ‡a Horn sonats
246 3  ‡i Title should read: ‡a Horn sonatas

Dashes, brackets
AACR2: ... (ellipses) and [ ] square brackets are replace by — and ( ).
RDA: The punctuation is transcribed as it appears on the source.

Title appears on the resource as
...Huésped de las nieblas...
...Guest from the mists...
for flute and piano

AACR2 1.1B1F
245 10 ‡a --Huésped de las nieblas-- = ‡b --Guest from the mists-- : for flute and piano

RDA 1.7.3
245 10 ‡a ...Huésped de las nieblas... = ‡b ...Guest from the mists... : for flute and piano

Sound recordings

other preliminaries
other sources


embedded textual material
elsewhere on the resource
   (container, insert, etc.)
*Use the label:
     ° even when there is a collective title elsewhere on the resource
     ° only if the information found there represents the resource as a whole
For multi-disc sets, use the labels collectively

Edition statement: (250 field) will now encompass elements relating to the format of music that were scattered over various areas in AACR2:
° Musical presentation statement (e.g., Score and parts), an AACR2 element tagged in the 254 field
° Statements of responsibility relating to the format of music (e.g., vocal score by [name]), currently tagged in 245/‡c
° Voice range statements (e.g., High voice)

Publication statement: A new, repeatable MARC field (264) is used for production, publication, distribution, printing, and copyright date
1st indicator:
always blank
2nd indicator:
production (for unpublished resources)
copyright notice date (optional)
Abbreviations are not used unless they appear on the resource.

Place of publication: if more than one, only the first is required (2.8.2)
   ° Include all hierarchies of place, e.g., New Haven, CT, USA
   ° No requirement to include place in the US if the publisher is not in the US
Publisher name: if more than one, on the first is required (2.8.4)
   ° Use the full name as found on the resource, e.g., Theodore Presser Company, Hildegarde Publishing Company
   ° Include all corporate hierarchies of the name of publisher
Date of publication: record the date as found on the resource
   ° LCPS 1.8.2 (first alternative) says to transcribe roman numerals and not convert to Arabic

Place, name, and/or date of publication not identified on resource:
   ° AACR2: [S.l.], [s.n.], [n.d.]
   ° RDA: [place of publication not identified], [publisher not identified], [date of publication not identified]
      ° LCPS instruction strongly encourages: supply a place of publication in brackets or date in brackets
      ° Each subfield is separately bracketed: D1.2.1: When adjacent elements within one area are to be enclosed in square brackets, enclose each in its own set of square brackets.

from: RDA Basics (PPT)

Publication dates and copyright (©)/phonogram ( dates are different elements in RDA and the copyright date may not be used for the date of publication.

If the date of publication is unknown, use [Date of publication not identified] or an estimated date in brackets, with a question mark, if necessary.
Copyright/phonogram date is not required if a publication date is known. However, for music materials, it is strongly suggested that copyright/phonogram dates are included, even when they are the same as the publication date.
   ° Record the latest copyright date; for recordings, prefer dates over © dates.

Extent (RDA 3.4)/Physical description (AACR2):
The number and type of units (a physical or logical constituent of a resource; e.g., a volume, audiocassette, film reel, a map, a digital file) and/or subunit (a physical or logical subdivision of a unit; e.g., a page of a volume, a frame of a microfiche, a record in a digital file)
   Give the extent if the resource is complete or if the total extent is known

Use the appropriate term, which may be a term from the carrier type list ( or a general term (

Notated music:
Some terms are no longer used.
(see 7.20.13 or metadata registry for a full list of terms)

v. of music, p. of music, leaves of music

close score
condensed score (now used for both vocal and instrumental scores)
miniature score
study score


16 p. of music

1 score (16 pages)
1 miniature score
1 study score
1 close score
1 condensed score
1 sound disc
1 audio disc
1 sound cassette
1 audiocassette

Physical description of sound recordings:
Most terms for types of carriers used in the extent are modified. The word "sound" is discontinued to avoid confusion with content.

sound cartridge

audio cartridge
sound disc
audio disc
piano, [etc.] roll
audio roll
sound cassette
sound tape reel
audio tape
sound track film reel, [cassette, etc.]
sound-track reel

Additionally, some details are given even if they are standard for the type of resource:
° type of recording: analog, digital (
° recording medium (
° playing speed (
° groove characteristic ( (e.g., microgroove)
° track configuration (
° tape configure (number of tracks on an audiotape) ( (e.g., 12 track)
° playback ( (e.g., mono, stereo)
° special playback characteristics ( (e.g., Dolby, CD audio, DVD audio, MP3, SACD)
° tape configuration (number of tracks on an audiotape)
° dimensions of cartridges and cassettes, including the width of the tape
   ° metric units are used for dimensions, but RDA allows for the use of another system of measure
      (e.g., inches: 4 3/4 in.)

General material designation:

Three new fields (336, 337, 338) collectively replace the General material designation (245 ‡h)
See Content, Media, and Carrier (RDA 6.9, 3.2, 3.3 & MARC 336-338)

Notation: indicating type of notation, even with it is staff notation, is required in RDA (7.13; see also metadata registry) and is given in the 546 field: graphic notationletter notationmensural notationneumatic notationnumber notationsolmization, staff notation, tablaturetonic sol-fa.

Uniform titles/Preferred titles (See also A comparison of uniform titles (AACR2) and preferred titles (RDA) In progress)
Two separate steps in RDA
   1. record attributes (6.2-6.26)
   2. determine which attributes to use in the authorized access point (6.27-6.31)

Authorized access points comprise
   ° preferred name of the creator (if applicable)
   ° preferred title of work (
   ° additional elements to differentiate among other works/expressions (

Differences from AACR2:
   ° no equivalent to AACR2's "works of mixed responsibility"
   ° "work(s)" in RDA refers to both individual works and compilations
   ° medium of performance in access point can contain more than three elements
   ° standard chamber combinations (e.g., string quartet, piano trio, etc.) are no longer used
   ° use "cello" not "violoncello"
   ° spell out "acc." "arr." and "unacc."
   ° fewer restrictions on recording key
   ° librettos and operas are considered separate works
Source: RDA and Sound Recordings—A Cataloging Workshop: Cataloging with RDA—Sound Recordings

Yale University library Website

RDA and sound recordings—a cataloging workshop by Kathy Glennan
A brief introduction to RDA for scores & sound recordings by Nancy Lorimer
Changes from AACR2 to RDA: a comparison of examples by Adam L. Schiff, Principal Cataloger, University of Washington Libraries
Significant changes for cataloging music: AACR2 vs. RDA by Daniel Paradis, Concordia University