- Abiogenesis Software Software for the creation of electronic dictionaries and reference materials
- ADLIB Information Systems Ltd. Library and information management system for libraries, museums and archives
- Altarama Systems & Services Australian owned company specializing in the provision of systems for reference librarians, such as RefTracker request management
- Ariadne S.r.l. (Italy) Sibylla
- Atlantic Rim Information Systems, Inc. Vendors of AristoCAT
- Auto-Graphics, Inc.
- BLCMP Library Services Ltd. Supplier of computer systems to public and academic libraries in the British Isles
- Bailey Solutions Producer of PenLib, a library management system designed for corporate and special libraries
- Balboa Software Library Master, Bibliographic and textual database manager
- Best-Seller, Inc.
- Biblioscape Bibliographic software to search, organize, generate, and publish bibliographies
- Book Systems, Inc. Library software developer of eZcat, eZhost and Concourse library automation systems
- Brodart Co.
- CG Information Bibliographic software
- Cadomel PC-based library management systems for small libraries, specializing in school library systems
- CARL Corporation
- CASPR Library Systems, Inc. Library automation and information management company
- Church Related Online Software Systems Cataloging automation software
- COMPanion Corporation Alexandria for Mac OS and Windows; library automation and information system for schools and districts
- ConnectLib
- Contec Group International Ltd. C2
- Cuadra Associates, Inc. STAR software to manage information stand-alone, networked, on the Internet or on an intranet
- DRA : Data Research Associates, Inc.
- DIAKON Systems Library software for the small library
- ebrary.com Web distribution technology with copyright-protection, using sell-by-the-slice business model for research information
- Electronic Online Systems (EOS) International Data Trek
- Electronic Reading Systems Ltd (ERS) Specialists in barcode data collection, including Mastalib Automation Software, scanning and barcode printing hardware.
- ELiAS including DOBIS/LIBIS and AMICUS
- Endeavor Information Systems, Inc.
- epixtech Inc. Producer of Dynix and Horizon Sunrise
- Ex Libris Ltd. ALEPH (Israel)
- Fenwood Systems Ltd (United Kingdom)
- Follett Software Company
- Fretwell-Downing Informatics OLIB system, VDX ILL system, and ZPORTAL information portal
- The Galecia Group Technology consulting and project management services to libraries
- Gateway Software Corporation Library automation software for the K-12 environment
- Gaylord Brothers Incorporated including Galaxy and Polaris
- Geac Computer Corporation's Advance
- Great Auk Software Co. BlissLib Automated Library System, suitable for small corporate, school, or personal collections
- Hytelnet Information Page by Peter Scott
- Koha Open source software
- ILS, International Library Systems, Corp.SydneyPLUS
- Information Dimensions, Inc. A subsidiary of OCLC
- Inmagic
- Innovative Interfaces
- Integrity Data Systems, Inc. Company that designs, builds, and sells web based software for businesses or non-profit organizations, including libraries
- ISIS EasyCat
- ISIS EasyWeb
- Jaywil Software Development Inc. ResourceMate, library software for clergy, professionals, church libraries, corporations and private schools
- KRC Software Law library data manager
- Kelowna Software Ltd. for Library 4, specializing in school library automation
- Keystone Systems, Inc. Keystone Library Automation System (KLAS)
- LGB & Associates, Inc. Products include DataLib, VERSO, MLS 3.0, ENTERPRISE 2000
- Legal Information Management Text-based information management; Inmagic(R) evaluation software
- Lex Systems LexiFile/LexWin
- Library Associates including Fastcat
- The Library Corporation (TLC) BiblioFile
- LibraryTools.COM LC Easy tool and Dewey Easy, training tools on classification
- MARC Link Retrospective ConversionRetrospective/database conversion
- The MARC of Quality (TMQ) Software and services designed to help create better MARC records more easily
- MC² Systems Auto Librarian family of library automation software for the Internet, Windows and MS-DOS
- Micro Consulting for BiblioMaker (Switzerland)
- Micro Librarian Systems Library automation for education, including Junior Librarian, Eclipse, MagiCat,IdentiKit
- netLibrary, Inc. Commercial venture blending electronic books (ebooks) with traditional library procedures such as circulation
- Neuton Data Systems School library automation products and services
- New Generation Technologies Inc for Librarysoft Library Automation System
- Nexus srl
- Niles & Associates, Inc. Bibliographic software, including EndNote Plus and EndLink for Windows and Mac
- Obvia Corporation Remote Database Access Service
- On Point, Inc. TLC Total Library Computerization
- Open Text Corporation Web-based software solutions for library automation (Techlib) and collaborative knowledge management (Livelink)
- Openly Informatics, Inc. Software, systems and services for link server solutions
- Ovid Technologies, Inc. Bibliographic and live full text databases for academic, biomedical and scientific research
- Pica Library automation and online services in the Netherlands
- Practical Software Solutions School-oriented Dewey Decimal Library Program
- R2 Consulting Services Strategic consulting on ebooks, the Web, electronic tools and improving workflow efficiencies to academic libraries and their vendors
- RealRead, Inc. Technology allowing online book buyers to preview extended information
- Research Information Systems Reference Manager and Reference Update
- SFX Software from Ex Libris for linking between scholarly information resources
- Sagebrush Technologies (formerly Nichols Advanced Technologies Inc.) MOLLI and Athena
- Robert A. Schless & Co Inc NOTEbookS, a Lotus Notes based integrated special library system
- Sea Change Corporation BookWhere, Windows software to search multiple Z39.50 host sites and databases for bibliographic references in a single operation
- SerialSSolutions Providing systems for finding full-text electronic journals from database aggregators
- SIMA, Inc. For law libraries
- SIRS Mandarin, Inc.
- SIRSI Unicorn
- SLS (Information Systems) Ltd. producers of LIBERTAS
- Smiths Falls Systems Inc. Producing software solutions for bookbinders and library binding departments
- Softlink America, Inc. Library software developers of integrated library systems for small to medium libraries
- Softlink Europe Limited Alice Library Management software for all libraries, including primary school, secondary school, college/university or special
- Soutron Ltd.
- Stowe Computing Australia
- Surpass Software Library automation products for school, corporate, small public, and special libraries
- Swets & Zeitlinger B.V.
- Syndetic Solutions Provider of specialized bibliographic data to producers of electronic databases in the book trade, including augmentation of MARC records
- TKM Software Limited Library automation software company, for schools, public libraries, special libraries and health libraries
- vImpact, Inc. The Library Channel, Internet control software for libraries
Library information science blog for Students, library schools, library automation systems, cataloguing, Classification systems, MARC & RDA Standards
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Showing posts with label list library automation systen. Show all posts
Sunday, February 7, 2016
library automation systems vendors
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